Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Piaget, Erikson, kohlberg, and Freud

Hi guys,

This will be the topic of the 4.3 lecture. You will be comparing the works of Jean Piaget, Sigmund Freud, Erik Erikson, and Lawrence Kohlberg. You are to add comments to this blog showing original thought on their works and which one has the most effective argument on adolescent development. Be sure to comment on other people's blogs, as the primary purpose of this blog is to be a vehicle for student discussion.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Purposive vs. convenience sampling

Just to eliminate some confusion. A sample is purposive when you pick a group because they serve a distinct purpose. A reading class for an experiment on, let's say, reading! It needs to have distinct qualities to be a purposive sample. If you interviewed the students in your study hall, you are conducting a convenience sample because you are interviewing them because it is easy to do so and they are no more significant than anyone else.

Keep up the posts, they are fun to read even when they are jabs at me It is the best we can do a creating a class discussion. Glad everyone likes all the powerpoints and podcasts!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sampling Methodology

Hi guys,

What type of sampling method works the best? Share with us your "cafeteria experiment." You need to report your findings and comment on someone else's findings. Then your two other posts can be anything you like. But remember, you must post four times to get credit... oh, and those of you who will not be named, it does not count if you post four together. First of all, that is only one post; secondly, it defeats the entire purpose of having a blog, which is to have a threaded discussion on a topic.

Look forward to viewing the results!

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Ok guys,

It is time to get started. Who would like to launch the first post of the school year? Please write a prompt of no less than three sentences about one particular aspect of the book that you really enjoyed or disliked. The more technical you get, the more points you can earn (although you should all get a perfect 10). Keep the conversation on point, and let's engage in a meaningful conversation of the power of a blink!

Students can earn up to a 100 points -- 25 points max per entry. Please give me four responses by Sunday. You can piggy back what others are saying, but you must write at least four times. Don't forget they must mention specific book passages or psychology terms as a result of the book to get credit.